While amateur Radio can be a fun hobby it is also a useful tool to serve our community. As you can see on the list below, our club does this by providing communications for various community parades, runs, walks, and other activities. There is a learning curve, a helping phase and event participation. It is good experience whether you are doing Net Control, out on the parade route or working a race. Changing frequencies on your radio in a hurry, working with police, helping a downed walker, giving directions and making sure that safety is maintained along the route, which you are working, become much easier with every event in which you participate.
We have always been active in community events and I would like to point out a few of the criteria for working the different types of events.
- There will be a coordinator for each event and they will designate where each volunteer will be stationed and will be available to answer any questions should any arise.
- A working handheld VHF radio and/or a mobile radio, if required. Always have a manual for the radio(s) you are using. Have an extra battery(s) for your handheld and a watch for check in times. You will be advised of the frequency and alternate frequency that will be used for the event.
- Correct clothing – Rain gear, hat, sun block, warm clothing that is layered, comfortable shoes, gloves and our club safety vest.
- Don’t forget a folding chair if you are going to be on a route. Always have a bottle of water and some munchies.
- Murphy’s Law is always lurking so be alert and ready for any last minute changes.
- As members of the CCARC, we are working with many different community groups and they depend on us to do our job in a professional manner.
To learn more, or to schedule an activity, contact the club coordinator at .
CCARC Club Event and Club Activity Coordinators
If you are responsible for planning an event or other activity for the club, there is an Activity Coordinator Policy and an Event Summary form provided for you to fill out. It will be used by several people including the PIO, Newsletter Editor, Webpage Maintainers and others to promote your activity. Submit the completed forms below to our PIO in person or email to
CCARC Event Planning Form: |
Adobe pdf |
Adobe Fillable pdf |
MS Word |
CCARC Public Event Materials Request Form: |
Adobe pdf |
Adobe Fillable pdf |
MS Word |
February 9th, 2024

CCARC Annual Banquet
This annual event is where were we recognize the contributions of the membership for the last year and install the new lineup of Officers and Board of Directors for the new year.
All members are encouraged to attend.
For more information, email
May 18th, 2024

Hazel Dell Parade of Bands
The parade was first launched after area schools approached local businesses looking for an opportunity for school band kids to march in something besides football games.
In 1964, the first parade launched with about 12 local bands and 60 other entries, with
a crowd of about 8,000 spectators. By the 1980s, it had grown to about 20 local bands and 120 entries. And today, it has about 27 bands and 145 entries. In 2014 there were an estimated 25,000 spectators.
CCARC volunteer radio operators are needed annually to provide communications for the event.
For more information, email

Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air
The Lewis and Clark Trail - on the Air special event is an on air activity that commemorates the historic Lewis and Clark Trail. The trail covers 4900 miles through 16 states. This includes the disembarkation from Camp Dubois and what is referred to as the Eastern Legacy. The event is sponsored by the Clark County Amateur Radio Club with support and participation from clubs in all 16 states along the historic trail.
For more information, visit the event's website here or email
May 31st - June 2nd
Friday, Saturday & Sunday

CCARC is the co-sponsor of the annual SEA-PAC Ham Convention and ARRL NW Division Convention at the Seaside Convention Center on the beautiful Northwest ocean beach in Seaside, Oregon.
Each year attendees enjoy numerous commercial exhibits, a giant flea market, several workshops, many interesting seminars, DX & YL luncheons, VE testing and a Saturday evening banquet with distinguished speakers and entertainment.
CCARC members are highly encouraged to support this important event in all areas. Typical areas we support are security, seminars, administration and others.
For more information, email or call (503) 882-7388.
June 22nd & 23rd, 2024

CCARC Field Day
For more information about our annual Field Day, click here.
For even more information, email
(2nd Weekend)

CCARC Annual Club Picnic
The second weekend exception is for SEA-PAC.The annual club picnic is held in lieu of the August general meeting.
All members are encouraged to attend.
For more information, email

Veteran’s Day Parade at Ft Vancouver
Since 1986, Vancouver has honored America’s veterans with this annual Department of Veteran Affairs sanctioned parade. This year it is presented by the Lough Legacy, Creekside Mortgage and Alpha Ecological Pest Control. The parade starts with a salute fired by Howitzer cannons from the Parade Ground of the Fort Vancouver National Site. More than 100 military, veteran and civic organizations and 2,500 individuals participate in the parade.
CCARC volunteer radio operators are needed annually to provide communications for the event. Volunteer to support one of the largest veterans parades on the West coast.
For more information or to register for the event, email

Clark County Walk & Knock
Plan to volunteer for this major annual event for the CCARC held on the first weekend in December. The Club encourages all operators to sign-up. This is a worthwhile Organization that looks forward to the CCARC services every year.
Here is some information about Walk & Knock: The Interservice Walk & Knock Food Drive is a registered 501c (3) non-profit organization that serves Clark County by soliciting charitable donations of food, supplies and money, which in turn are given to the Clark County food banks for providing food to needy individuals within our community.
The members of Walk & Knock include local Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary and Optimist clubs, members of the Clark County Amateur Radio Club, and adult leaders of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. Its members fund Walk & Knock by donating an annual fee of $200 per organization. This pays for items such as insurance, postage and stationery, and other items as required by law.
Most of the needed supplies and services are donated, and advertising is paid for by corporate and private sponsors. No public funds are used for anything other than for the purchase of food. Walk & Knock is 100% privately funded.
For more information or to register for the event, send an email to or click on this link.
CCARC Calendar of Events
For regularly scheduled local radio nets, click here.
To download and print a copy of the current year abbreviated CCARC Calendar of Events, click here.
To view the club's online Google Calendar' in your current personal Google Calendar, simply add "" as an "Other Calendar".
W7AIA Received QSL Cards
The QSL cards received from our Special Event Stations (SES) and other club operational activities are available for viewing. To view them click here.
Washington - Worked All Counties Award (WA-WAC)
The Clark County Amateur Radio Club offers a beautiful certificate for any station that works all 39 counties of the state of Washington after 1 Jan 1995.
Washington counties are: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lewis, Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Whitman and Yakima.
Purpose: To acknowledge and recognize the achievement of contacting radio operators in each of Washington state’s 39 counties.
Rules: Work each county on any band using any mode of transmission. You may mix modes in your report. A valid contact is an exchange of information between two operators; one from any county in Washington and the other operator on a fixed or mobile station anywhere in the U.S. In other words, you do not have to make all contacts from inside Clark County. There is no time limit on earning this award.
You must keep a log showing the frequency the contact was made on, the mode, the GMT date and time, signal report exchanged, call sign of the contacted unit, their signal report, and the county they are in. Any manual log or contest program printout will suffice as long as it has the required information. The difficult part is that you will need to report a verifiable contact (QSL card, LoTW, etc.) for each of your contacts. This is your proof of contact. Your log report needs to be verified by two other operators, signed, and dated by each. Cross Mode, Cross Band (except Satellite QSO’s), Repeaters, Echolink, CQ100 or IRLP contacts do not count.
Submission: To apply for the award, send the verified log report either to Clark County ARC, Attn: WA-WAC, PO Box 1424, Vancouver, WA 98668 or email to A fee of $5 US for a pre-printed award to be mailed to you is required, otherwise, the award is FREE in the form of an Adobe .PDF file you can use to print the award in your shack.
For an Excel tracking form, click here.
For a PDF tracking form, click here.
To see a sample of what the certificate looks like, click here.
To see the past recipients of the WA-WAC award, click here.
For more information, contact us at
CCARC Radio Challenge Award
If you are a contester, then this award is for you!
Started in December 2012 by Tim/KD7RUS, this award will prove to be most challenging to attain as it involves a yearlong (January to December) commitment to contesting and operating.
For contest details, click here.
For a handy UTC-to-local time chart, click here.
For more information, contact us at
To see the past recipients of the Radio Challenge award, click here.
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-Weak Signal Winner | Wayne Schuler | AI9Q | |
Highest number of QSO's-POTA Activator | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS | |
Highest number of QSO's-POTA Hunter | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-SOTA Activator | Jeff Langford | KJ7VDP | |
Highest number of QSO's-SOTA Chaser | Jeff Langford | KJ7VDP |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-Weak Signal Winner | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-POTA | Randy Walker | K7NOJ |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-Weak Signal Winner, single-op | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Al Rovner | K7AR | |
Highest number of QSO's-QRP, single-op | Stan Nelson | KF7OJA | |
Highest number of QSO's-Mobile VHF, single-op | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 5210 |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | 1583 |
Highest number of QSO's-Weak Signal Winner, single-op | Rick Smith | KT7G | 2260 |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | 1283 |
Highest number of QSO's-RTTY, single-op | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 856 |
Highest number of QSO's-Mobile VHF, single-op | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS | 136 |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 4348 |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | 1089 |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | 707 |
Highest number of QSO's-RTTY, single-op | Rick Smith | KT7G | 529 |
Highest number of QSO's-50Mhz and up, single-op | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 668 |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Tim Dezellem | KI7FB | 17734 |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna | Bernd Peters | KB7AK | 9719 |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | 679 |
Highest number of QSO's-RTTY, single-op | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS | 684 |
Highest number of QSO's-50Mhz and up, single-op | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 580 |
Highest number of QSO's-Weak Signal Digital, single-op | Tim Dezellem | KI7FBQ | 17691 |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Al Rovner | K7AR | 3241 |
W7AIA Silver Fox Trophy Winner>Highest number of low power QSO's, no tower or other steerable antenna (new award in 2017) | John Gaynor | NO7DE | 994 |
Highest number of QSO's-QRP low power, single-op | Dave Cherba | WZ8T | 1484 |
Highest number of contests participated in the challenge | John Gaynor | NO7DE | 17 |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode | Jim Fenstermaker | K9JF | |
Highest number of QSO's-QRP low power, single-op | Jim Fenstermaker | K9JF | |
Highest number of QSO's-high power, single-op | Jim Fenstermaker | K9JF | |
Highest number of contests participated in the challenge | Jim Fenstermaker | K9JF |
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
W7AIA Contesting Trophy Winner>Highest number of QSO's, single-op, any mode |
Stephan Davis | KD7PCE | |
Highest number of QSO's-Home Station, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | |
Highest number of QSO's-Mobile Station, single-op | Rick Smith | KT7G | |
Highest number of QSO's-Expedition Station, multi-op | Rick Aragon Wayne Schuler Tim Kuhlman |
2014: 12 participants, 4106 QSO's, 15 contests entered, 2 multi-op teams
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | 232 |
Highest number of QSO's-RTTY, single-op | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS | 964 |
Highest number of QSO's-SSB, single-op | James Newsome | KE7ZAC | 654 |
Highest number of QSO's-Multi-mode, single-op | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS | 1527 |
Highest number of QSO's-VHF/UHF, single-op | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS | 102 |
2013: 8 participants, 5505 QSO's
Category | Name | Call | Contacts |
Highest number of QSO's-CW, single-op | Phil Yasson | AB7RW | 1116 |
Highest number of QSO's-RTTY, single-op | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS | 716 |
Highest number of QSO's-SSB, single-op | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS | 762 |
Highest number of QSO's-Multi-mode, single-op | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS | 1484 |
Highest number of QSO's-Single-mode, multi-op | Rick Aragon Tim Kuhlman |
398 |
CCARC “Field Day is not a Contest … Over 100” Award
To see the high performing operators at our last annual Field Day event, click here.
Year | Operator | Call Sign | # Contacts | % Contacts | % Score |
2022 | Al Rovner Gregg Robinson Jason Dinsmore Steve Brandt |
225 137 127 121 |
2021 | Gregg Robinson Tim Kuhlman Dave Cherba Jason Dinsmore |
231 205 126 100 |
2019 | Tim Kuhlman Dave Cherba Dave Dahlberg Tom Barton Rick Smith |
307 219 157 127 117 |
2018 | Dave Dahlberg Mark Kellogg Dave Cherba Randy Walker Tim Kuhlman |
255 156 141 133 110 |
2017 | Dave Cherba Dave Dahlberg |
305 112 |
2016 | Stephen Davis Nathan Sandver Tim Kuhlman Dave Dahlberg |
533 430 217 102 |
2015 | Stephen Davis Nathan Sandver William Hill Tim Kuhlman Rick Smith Rick Aragon |
503 204 186 153 131 123 |
2014 | Tim Kuhlman Stephen Davis Scott Kindt Phil Yasson Don Young |
327 265 160 124 100+ |
2013 | Stephen Davis Tim Kuhlman Jamie Heim Phil Yasson Scott Kindt |
297 239 198 196 103 |
29.60 23.82 19.74 19.54 10.26 |
24.91 18.16 27.09 28.47 7.48 |
The Annual Clark County ARC Field Day
The History of the ARRL Field Day
Amateur Radio operators have been transmitting from “the field” ever since radio has been around. Since 1933, the American Radio Relay League – the National Association for Amateur Radio – has formalized this activity for one weekend each June, called Field Day. During Field Day, over 35,000 “hams” across the United States, Canada, and many other countries take their radio gear out of their homes and set up temporary stations almost anywhere imaginable: public parks, beaches, mountaintops, baseball diamonds, atop parking garages, and yes, even in fields. They do so as part of a local club, with just a friend or two or their family, or individually. In 2011, over 1.4 million radio contacts were made between Amateur Radio operators during the Field Day weekend.
Field Day is always held the fourth full weekend in June.
For more information on the CCARC Field Day, or to join the planning Committee, contact the W7AIA Field Day planning coordinator at
The Field Day Planning committee meets monthly to prepare for the event. The meetings are normally on second Saturday of the month (January thru June). For video recordings of the 2020 Field Day Planning Meetings, click here.
ARRL Field Day Information – June 28-29, 2025

The Clark County Amateur Radio club is holding field day operation off NE 112th Ave at NE 39th St in the green space just to the east of NE 112th Ave. The operation will demonstrate emergency operations using a variety of radio technology including Satellite, digital radio technologies, High Frequency long distance communication, weak signal VHF-UHF and solar energy. There will be demonstrations, educational seminars and display booths about emergency preparedness. Families and visitors of all types are welcome to visit on Saturday to observe the operations.
Field Day Operating References
Field Day Operator Signup Sheet: |
Click here |
Field Day Operator Notes: |
Click here |
FT-DX10 radio manual: | Click here |
K8UI N1MM Logging Program "How-to" Videos: |
Click here |
N1MM Logging Instructions: |
Click here |
Field Day Miscellaneous Information
Field Day Press Release: | Click_here |
Field Day Flyer: |
Click_here |
Field Day Visitor Handout: |
Click here |
Field Day Schedule of Public Events: |
Click here |
Washington Governor's Proclamation: |
Click here |
Vancouver Mayor's Proclamation: |
Click here |
Field Day Site Layout: |
Click_here |
ARRL Field Day Information: | Click here |
W1AW & K6KPH Field Day Bulletin Schedule: |
Click here |
Summits On The Air
SOTA is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas.
Many club members are very active in SOTA activations and chasing. Imagine combining the love of hiking and the great outdoors with ham radio! That is exactly what SOTA is all about. The SOTA organization is headquartered in the United Kingdom, but each country has their own Association. In the case of the United States, that Association encompasses numerous local Regions as well. Here in the Pacific Northwest, our local Region is pnwSOTA. You can find out more information and join up here.
If you are interested in either chasing (making contact with the activators) or activating (making contact with other summit activators and chasers), sign up today!
"SOTA is fully operational in nearly a hundred countries across the world. Each country has its own Association which defines the recognised SOTA summits within that Association. Each summit earns the activators and chasers a score which is related to the height of the summit. Certificates are available for various scores, leading to the prestigious "Mountain Goat" and "Shack Sloth" trophies. An Honour Roll for Activators and Chasers is maintained at the SOTA online database."
Quote from Summits on the Air website
Parks On The Air
POTA is very similar to Summits On The Air without having to climb a mountain to activate. You can activate from a campground, picnic table, or vehicle within any of the identified local, State, or national parks.
Parks on the Air ℠ (POTA) is an ongoing program, it encourages amateur radio operators in developing their skills, fostering community and demonstrating the hobby to the public. There are thousands of parks available in the program and each will present a unique experience. Operating styles and seasons will also affect the nature of your experience.
If you are interested in either hunting (making contact with the activators) or activating (making contact with hunters), sign up today!
Club Meetings
Unless otherwise shown below, our normal Club meeting takes place on the second Friday monthly with a "meet and greet" at 6:30 PM. The meeting itself starts at 7:00 PM, and the location is:
American Legion - Smith-Reynolds Post 14
4607 NE St James Rd, Vancouver, WA 98663
- Dates are latest to earliest to allow putting the newest on top.
- We strive to put all presentations that have electronic media available on this website. If the presentation title is hyperlinked, you may click on it and download the presentation(s) made. Some of them are quite large so please be patient.
- For more information on a subject presented, please contact the presenter.
- For ideas or interest in giving a future presentations, contact our Vice President at
Note: To view the video recordings made of the virtual General Meetings, click here.
Club Meeting Content
License Testing by Volunteer Examiners (VE)
The Clark County Amateur Radio Clubs license test sessions are offered monthly at the Vancouver Stake Center in Vancouver, Washington.
Sponsor: | Clark County Amateur Radio Club |
Time: | 10:00 am Pre-Registration Required |
Contact: | C. Wayne Schuler/AI9Q |
Phone: | (360) 892-5580 |
Email: | |
- An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is now Required. Social security numbers will not be accepted. To register with the FCC and receive an FRN click here.
- Pre-registration is now required by calling or sending an email to the contact person listed above. Please bring a photo ID, such as a driver's license or student ID card and your FCC Registration Number (FRN). You can receive a FRN by clicking on the link.
- Bring a copy of your ORIGINAL license, if any, along with any valid CSCE's which you want to use to claim element credit. For additional information on what to bring see
- The standard testing fee is $15.00 in cash or check and is required for any test element. A retest of a failed element may be available for an additional fee at the discretion of the test team. Our test sessions offer all written elements.
FCC $35 Amateur Application Fees
Amateur radio application fees, including those associated with Form 605 application filings, became effective April 19, 2022.
The $35 FCC application fee applies to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.
Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, and modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class or to request a sequentially issued call sign, are exempt from fees.
VECs and Volunteer Examiner (VE) teams do not collect the $35 fee at exam sessions.
New applicants will pay the $15 exam session fee to the ARRL VE team as usual and pay the $35 application fee directly to the FCC.
Exam candidates should visit the FCC Application Fee webpage for the detailed instructions and information about the FCC fees.
Exam Element Credit Rules
Note: If an applicant held a Technician license prior to 3/21/1987, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only. FCC Rule 97.505(a) also offers partial credit to an examinee that has an expired General, Advanced, or Extra license.
Call Wayne/AI9Q at (360) 892-5580 or email for additional information.

2025 VE Testing Dates
Pre-Registration Required
Date | Location | Tests Offered | Session Results |
Jan 18, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
Feb 15, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
Mar 15, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
Apr 19, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
May 17, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
June 21, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
July 19, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
August 16, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
September 20, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
October 18, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
November 15, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
December 20, 2025 | CHAPEL | Open VE Testing – All Elements |
For information on the latest VE examiner assignments, send an email to
The following CCARC awards recognize deserving individuals for achievement or the accomplishment of service to the Clark County Amateur Radio Club, the amateur radio hobby, or to our community.
Below is an explanation of many of the awards and a link to see the recipients. To see a complete listing of membership recognition awards, click here.
The awards matrix is available for download here.
If you feel an individual is a candidate for recognition of any of these awards, contact the club awards committee at and provide the details.
Lloyd Stromgren Award
The Lloyd Stromgren Award was established in 1986 to honor the person who typifies the ‘Amateur Radio Operator of the Year’. This award is difficult to measure as so many people are doing many varied and diversified activities in the field of amateur radio and in our club's operations. Lloyd Stromgren was a US Army Colonel who first came to Vancouver as OIC of the Vancouver Barracks and upon retirement was very active in city and civic affairs. As the Mayor of the city of Vancouver in 1972, he got interested in ham radio, got licensed as N7BEY and was very active in our club activities. He was a president of the CCARC and an area governor of Toastmasters and was a cartographer by specialty. Lloyd served many years on the Clark County Planning Commission. He was also a member of the East Vancouver United Methodist Church.
The Lloyd Stromgren Amateur Radio Operator of the Year Award is awarded annually to the CCARC Ham Radio Operator of the Year.
To download a copy of the recipients of the Lloyd Stromgren Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | Marilyn Melhorn | AF7MM |
2022 | Al Rovner | K7AR |
2021 | Jason Dinsmore | K7BPM |
2020 | Bernd Peters | KB7AK |
2019 | Dave Cherba | WZ8T |
2018 | Rick Aragon | NE7O |
2017 | Rick Smith | KT7G |
2016 | Stanley Nelson | KF7OJA |
2015 | John Gaynor | NO7DE |
2014 | Scott Scheirman | W7SLS |
2013 | Larry Bloomquist | W7HGC |
2012 | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS |
2011 | Gary J Takis | K7GJT |
2010 | Rob Haller | K7JAO |
2009 | Jerry Schue | KD7KWO |
2008 | Al Lewey | K7ABL |
2007 | Delvin Bunton | N7QMT |
2006 | Barbara Yasson | AC7UH |
2005 | Don Unruh | NX7J |
2004 | Bill Smith | W7SNY |
2003 | Jack Barratt | W7JB |
2002 | Don Peter | ND7P |
2001 | Jake Otten | N7WO |
2000 | Kristen Brown | KD7IED |
1999 | Richard Pooley | W7HUY |
1998 | Richard J. Mudd | KC7WGS |
1997 | Philip J. Yasson | AB7RW |
1996 | William W. St John | NW7L |
1995 | Robert Goodale | K7YFJ |
1994 | C. Wayne Schuler | AI9Q |
1993 | H. Mark Gaunt | KG7CX |
1992 | George M. Milner | N7OTW |
1991 | Carolyn K. Nelson (Pooley) | WB7VBK |
1990 | Glen & Skip Calvin | W7GHQ & KA7RSZ |
1989 | Edgar Smith | N7CEY |
1988 | Wade Kight | KA7HND |
1987 | Dave Phemister | WB7ESV |
1986 | Dorman Stafford | W7ZDR |
Sparky Sherman Community Service Award
The Robert "Sparky" Sherman Community Service Award was established in 1982 in memory of Sparky Sherman, W7EEA. It was developed to give recognition to members of our group who were distinctive in "Community Service". The Clark County Amateur Radio Club instituted this award in 1982 to recognize Sparky. For years ·Sparky· was the most visible ham in the vicinity, and many were enriched by knowing him. Sparky was a very colorful non-sighted amateur radio operator. He was a music instructor at the Washington State School for the Blind. He was very active in the Lions Club and other civic activities.
Upon his death, the club instituted the award and gave it posthumously In his name as the CCARC's annual community service award. Since that time, the person selected was usually a person very active in community service events that benefitted the community even outside the realm of ham radio.
The Sparky Sherman Community Service Award is awarded annually to the amateur radio operator making the most significant contribution to public service.
To see the recipients of the Sparky Sherman Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | Gary Takis | K7GJT |
2022 | Marilyn Melhorn | AF7MM |
2021 | Toby Clairmont | KH7FR |
2020 | Gary Hardiman | N7HAR |
2019 | John Allen | N9YQ |
2018 | James Newsome | KE7ZAC |
2017 | Margaret Hardwick | AE7MB |
2016 | Nicole Crosby | N7XBY |
2015 | Vanessa McCoy | KE7UBB |
2014 | Pay McCoy | KE7UBF |
2013 | Delvin Bunton | N7QMT |
2012 | Rick Smith | KT7G |
2011 | Bruce Bullis | KG6CI |
2010 | Don Young | N7DY |
2009 | Eric & Kathy Keerbs | AD7HM & KE7LWM |
2008 | Rob Haller | K7JAO |
2007 | Larry & Lisa Bloomquist | KE7HGC & KE7HPW |
2006 | Silver Star Search & Rescue | |
2005 | Richard (Dick) Martin | N6ZQ |
2004 | Paul Van Dyck | K7VWH |
2003 | Laura Seitlinger | KC7LOK |
2002 | Phil Yasson | AB7RW |
2001 | Jack Barratt | W7JB |
2000 | Dale Lyndes | KC6NOZ |
1999 | Barbara Yasson | KC7KQI |
1998 | John Fletcher | KB7FND |
1997 | Mark Gaunt | KG7CX |
1996 | Wayne Schuler | AI9Q |
1995 | Jack Ellis | K7SUQ |
1994 | Dan Baulig | N7PKB |
1993 | Ron & Judith Ames | N7SRT & N7SRS |
1992 | Murray L. Dow | AA7HT |
1991 | Ronald B. Campbell | WB7NAU |
1990 | Jack & Charlotte Ellis | K7SUQ & K7SUR |
1989 | Robert Goodale | K7YFJ |
1988 | Russ Townsley | K7SUX |
1987 | Ken Weber | K7CLL |
1986 | Oran Ewing | N7ASX |
1985 | Mark Richardson | WA7NTU |
1984 | Lloyd Stromgren | N7BEY |
1983 | Helen Krehbiel | WB7TKZ |
1982 | "Sparky" Sherman | W7EEA |
CCARC Ames Cornerstone Award
Established in 2018, The “CCARC Ames Cornerstone Award” recognizes a member that has clearly contributed well over and above expectations during the tenure of their membership. The CCARC Ames Cornerstone Award was established in 2018 in memory of Ron Ames, N7SRT (SK). The award recognizes a member’s many years of service, hard work and dedication to the purpose and mission of the club. It takes good people to make good organization. Ron Ames and the recipients of this award exemplify this in establishing the foundation for the CCARC.
Mandatory requirements:
- Membership minimum of 20 years (2 decades)
- Consistent participation in a variety of club activities over the long term
- Held two or more officer, director or other key leadership positions with integrity
- Strong advocate for the club and its purpose
- Demonstrated superior leadership
- Active in one or more other volunteer community service groups
To see the recipients of the CCARC Ames Cornerstone Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | Rick Smith | KT7G |
2022 | Phillip Yasson | AB7RW |
2021 | Judith Ames Dave Phemister |
2020 | Barbara Yasson | AC7UH |
2019 | Wayne Schuler | AI9Q |
2018 | Ronald C. Ames | N7SRT |
The ‘Extra Mile’ Award
Established in 2008, this award is given to a member of the club in good standing who has received both the Robert ‘Sparky’ Sherman and Lloyd Stromgren awards above and demonstrates a long term positive leadership example to other members in support of the club and its activities.
To see the recipients of the Extra Mile Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | (not awarded) | |
2022 | (not awarded) | |
2021 | (not awarded) | |
2020 | (not awarded) | |
2019 | (not awarded) | |
2018 | Rick Smith | KT7G |
2017 | Larry Bloomquist | W7HGC |
2016 | Delvin Bunton | N7QMT |
2015 | Barbara Yasson | AC7UH |
2014 | (not awarded) | |
2013 | Phil Yasson | AB7RW |
2012 | (not awarded) | |
2011 | (not awarded) | |
2010 | Jake Otten | N7WO |
2009 | Robert (Bob) Goodale | K7YFJ |
2008 | C. Wayne Schuler | AI9Q |
CCARC President’s Award
Established in 2009, this award can be granted at any time by the current president to a person or organization that has contributed significantly to the Clark County Amateur Radio Club and its operation.
To see the recipients of the President's Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | Rick Aragon Gary Takis Tim Kuhlman |
2022 | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS |
2021 | Barbara Yasson | AC7UH |
2020 | (not awarded) | |
2019 | Steve Gehlhausen | AI7A |
2018 | Dave Cherba Greg Shuster |
2017 | Marilyn Melhorn George Mitchell Trevor Best |
2016 | Barbara Yasson Gary Takis Nicole Crosby Rick Smith |
2015 | Dave Phemister Jerry Schue Nicole Crosby |
2014 | Don Parvin | KG7FEN |
2013 | Tom Barton Ralph Duchie Wade Kight |
2012 | Ron Ames Judith Ames Wayne Schuler Barbara Yasson |
2011 | Delvin Bunton Phil Peterson |
2010 | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS |
2009 | Bruce Bullis Phil Peterson Barbara Yasson |
CCARC Board of Director's Leadership Award
Established in 2013, this award recognizes superior leadership attributes demonstrated by any member of the club. The award is intended to demonstrate that the club values superior leadership in its many activities and management. Achievements by individuals recognized significantly enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of the Clark County Amateur Radio Club and its operation.
To see the recipients of the Board of Director’s Leadership Award, click here.
Year | Recipient | Call Sign |
2023 | James Newsome | KE7ZAC |
2022 | Marilyn Melhorn | AF7MM |
2021 | Tim Kuhlman | KD7RUS |
2020 | Dave Cherba | WZ8T |
2019 | Trevor Best | KG7VIP |
2018 | Jim Loudon | N6ERX |
2017 | Barbara Yasson John Allen |
2016 | Larry Bloomquist | W7HGC |
2015 | Wayne Schuler | AI9Q |
2014 | Gary J. Takis | K7GJT |
2013 | James (Jim) Fenstermaker | K9JF |
Elmer of the Year
The Elmer program was started to provide assistance by club members to hams who need help with the many aspects of amateur radio and to mentor new hams. The Elmer of the Year award was created in 2008 to recognize a member of our Elmer’s group who has made a significant contribution to the Elmer program by consistently helping others with answers to questions, solutions to problems, and who exemplifies the qualities of a mentor, or Elmer.
In 2016 the club Elmer recognition program transitioned to the ARRL Elmer Award website resource. Members that want to recognize someone that has been an Elmer to them can go to and have an attractive certificate provided.
To see the recipients of past Elmer of the Year Awards, click here.